Thursday, April 26, 2012


I don't know very much about turtles. I've started to look up leatherbacks. They are endangered, although they are doing a bit better in the Atlantic...but dramatically reducing in the Pacific.

On average they weigh 300 lbs...The largest leatherback ever found was an 8.5-ft-long (2.6-m-long) male weighing 2,020 lbs (916 kg) that washed up on the west coast of Wales in 1988. That's taller than a man! A Big man!

Check out this video of a leatherback chasing down a lobster. It looks like it likes to east lobsters as much as Joe does...

And this video really brings home how vulnerable baby turtles are...I mean they are tiny little things with no one to protect them.  Maybe when we are down there we can help protect the babies....I can't believe that crab which isn't much bigger than the baby can just drag it down into the sand with it.

I don't understand why the temperature of the nest changes how many male and female turtles are born. I wonder why that is?

And guess what, we don't even know there life span. I bet there is still a lot that we don't know.

And yeah, it looks to me if that turtle gets too close to you it can bite your nose off.

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