Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Going Back in Time

Wherever we go on our travels I am sure we are going to see things that make us think about the past. 

It might be the geology we see. Remember in the Yucatan we were walking on limestone made from shells. 

Or it might be walking the same paths at Calakmul that people did in 600 A.D.  In fact, there was a structure there from sometime between 400 and 200 BCE (isn't it weird how the numbers get bigger the farther back we go in BCE).

Or it could be creatures that have been around for a long time like horseshoe crabs.

If we go to California, Alaska or Peru -- what are the things we might see that remind us of past times?  Can you imagine if you were pulled into the past what it might be like?

And here is a cool tv show where kids get to help on archeological sites. You can watch the episodes from this link.

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Wild Life

Here is a site about alaska that tells you a bit about the natural history, the social history and about the people.

Here is a site on the wildlife in the Sierras.

Here are a lot of pictures from Peru

Photos of Alaskan Wildlife

Hi all -- So let's start learning about our three options -- the  Sierra Mountains, Alaska and Peru. And then in early 2013 I'll figure out which one we are doing. You all have to start doing some research as well.

In the comments section you can write something or add a web link. Then we can see what all of us are learning or the questions we have.

Here are photos on Alaskan wildlife

Here is some information on the Sierras.

Here is info on Machu Picchu in Peru. It is from the Incan civilization...not Mayan.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

I bet you can train rosie and dash to do this

Jordan does parkour -- it is urban gymnastics where people leap over roofs, through windows, and flip over walls.  but I've never seen a dog do it!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Baby Flamingo!

Hey you all -- Here is an article and pictures of a baby flamingo....Too cute!

If I close my eyes I can see them flying with the pink and black...and those long long long necks and legs.